The Songwriting School of Los Angeles is a School for songwriters of all experience levels, genres, and interests. We offer classes, events, and private instruction both on-campus AND online, each Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Our students range from accomplished, decorated, working writers in the industry to first-time writers, and all points in between. We are not a 2- or 4-year degree institution or "college." Instead of admissions standards per se, we make a thoughtful attempt to place our students in the most positive class settings to nurture their creative and professional development. As such, there is a class for every level of songwriter.
In this way we are more like your favorite restaurant than a college: some students take our class menu a la carte style and enroll in the one or few classes that satisfy their interests, needs, schedule, or budget; still others enjoy the buffet and the UNLIMITED ENROLLMENT option, whether for a single season or more.
If you are looking for a college degree in songwriting, there are a few fine institutions in the United States that can allow you to pursue one. If the piece of paper you are looking for is not a diploma but rather a lyric sheet with your name on it, or if you are looking to learn to write the songs that matter, in any genre, let's see if The Songwriting School of Los Angeles has a class or workshop setting that would feel meaningful for you.